Dear love,
I've been in darkness for so long just waiting for the light,
And now that you have come my way, my days don't seem like nights.
Sitting here remembering......... when I saw the beauty rush out like
a might wind I never saw it before...........or bothered to notice............... But now I see it and on it I am focused. The gentleness of your voice.......
The way you make me feel when I see your lovely smile. The way you laugh and care for others.........
Even go beyond the extra mile.................I am focused on that whether you believe me or not..........
My heart aches for you And my stomach is in knots...
Now I had to declare, The thoughts of my heart...In hopes that you'd give me, A place in your heart........
Starring at the past, in comparison with who I am today, that person I was, before meeting you, clearly shows how much I love you and how important you are to me. In times like these I see how much I involved and how much you taught me.
When I look at you I breathe and the certainty that to me, having your company, I will feel realized until the fullness of my soul.
With all my love and my sincerest gratitude.