At night I dreamed about the magical moments we shared ...Holding hands on the street, laying in each other's loving embrace...Every last moment was still stuck in my brain.....
They were still stuck in the creases of my fast-paced mind.No matter how hard I tried to be rid of them, they stuck there like the disgusting files of a glue trap.Unable to move or take flight.Reminding my mind of what my heart never wanted to forget.
Oh Allah.. I never want to forget that at one point you, yes you, the nonchalant musician,had once loved me.Yes you loved me.And dear Allah.. did I still love you? I loved you with every last fiber of my being...
Oh Allah.. I never want to forget that at one point you, yes you, the nonchalant musician,had once loved me.Yes you loved me.And dear Allah.. did I still love you? I loved you with every last fiber of my being...
I loved you to the point where I would take my life for you if it would bring you back. Even if it were just for my dying breaths. If I do recall in my manic behavior I even threatened to take my life. Yes, I in fact held a knife to my wrist and told you that I was in the middle of doing the nasty deed. And what was your response to me? ...
"Stop being so fucking over dramatic. It's just an easy break up" And that's what pushed me over the edge. That is what made me press the knife, down onto my exposed vein and draw ugly dark lines of red that, quite fortunately.... didn't kill me. But damn if I didn't try. It was an easy break up? For you my dear it might have been.
I can't say it isn't easy to look at you these days. Because it is. It is easy to look at you. Accept when I look at you I don't feel the sick amount of adoration I had for you. No, instead I can stare at you and pity you. Because while I moved on to a brighter and better life, you're still stuck being the sad lonely creature you are since you left. Yes, I noticed the change. I noticed the spark in your eye fade into the dull shell of a man yoo've become. And I can't feel sorry for you. I just can not. And I'm ok with that.....with heart hurt....
Your's Truly,
Your's Truly,