I though I would let you know my love for you is burning very brightly..everyday and night. My heart longs for you. My heart longs to leap at the sound of your voice. My heart longs to be filled with joy by your smile. I love you for the warm...sweet affection in your eyes, whenever you look at me and the special smile you save only for me..
I love that you always seek to have your body close to mine, reaching out to touch, to hold my hand...to wrap your arms around me...
I love how you show me you care by looking for ways...to make my life easier and more comfortable.....
I love that ...when I ask you to do thing, you try to do them...instead of thinking me demanding.
I love that your favorite place is near me...that you'd rather be with me than anyone else.
I love you for more reason than this page has space to write......so I'll try to tell you and show you in person all the thing I love about you....!!!!
I will love you forever...until I close my eyes....until I can't smile...until I can't say I love you....until I can't reach my cell phone.....and ...until that time.... you always remember...how much I love you.....
From your sweetheart...
_ Happy New Year..2010_
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