Thursday, November 24, 2011

LOVE LETTER -XLVII- ( For Everybody who was fall inlove )

Dear honey,

My dearest love, today I sat and thought, with every breath I took, of only you. I remember when we first got together like it was yesterday. Two people in two different worlds, I just sat here and was all alone, not knowing what life had in store for me..
And then an opening of the door and there you stand, a man with a heart the size of the heavens above.
One day lead to the next, and then days turned into months and months turned into years and almost three years......our love still there without knowing where it's can be...

Today, you are so far away and I'm not being able to hold you, kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you every day, as we go through the hardest thing we have ever had to go through in all the years we have been together. Yes, I miss you and can't wait till you come home to be able to wrap my arms around you and hold you close to my heart. Days go by and nights get longer. It makes me stronger and stronger. I just want you to know that I will be here as long as it will take;
one thing I want you to know is I love you and you will forever be in my heart.

Love you......


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